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26/11/2019 GEOSCAN 0

  Prahova – E-mail : – Telefon : 0724.522.200

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Electromagnetic method (EM)

23/11/2019 GEOSCAN 0

In the electromagnetic method (EM) there are recorded the values of an electric field induced into the ground for various investigation depths. The main applications of this method are the outlining and identification of the objects that have an electromagnetic field or of the objects producing a modification of the magnetic field of the zone. The electromagnetic measurements can be performed acoustically (by highlighting an acoustic signal in the case of intercepting a response from the induced electromagnetic field), and the areas with positive response will be recorded with the professional software. GEOSCAN uses electromagnetic equipment for the detection of the buried objects through the electromagnetic method. The maximum investigation depth is of 3 m depending on the size of the buried object, the magnetic permeability of the soil and of the electromagnetic noise specific to the area. All geophysical measurements will be positioned in the field with a GPS system using national or international coordinates. Applications of the electromagnetic method : – detection and localization of ammunition and unexploded bombs (UXO) buried, – detection of buried utilities into a homogenous medium (ducts, pipes, electric cables), – detection of buried metallic objects.

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Resistivity method (VES)

23/11/2019 GEOSCAN 0

Resisitivity method is a geophysical method successfully used by decades. By Resistivity we measure the resistance of underground materials to the passage of electric current. Resistivity involves injecting current through two or more electrodes and measuring the response of the underground materials using other two or more electrodes; voltage decrease is due to the water content and to the electrical conductivity of various rocks. All data recorded in the field are sent to a laptop for viewing and interpretation using DataViewer software. Applications of Resistivity method (VES): – Local and regional geology issues (bedrock identification) – Areas with landslides, – Determination of groundwater depth, – Correlation of geologic layers, – Issues of economic geology (determination of salt structures and of the areas with useful rocks, etc.), – Issues of hydrogeology (determination of the layers of freshwater and mineral water), – Issues of technical geology (determining the nature of the rocks, their depth and topography, the geotechnical features of the soil).

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23/11/2019 GEOSCAN 0

With the aid of the magnetometric geophysical method we are measuring Earth’s magnetic field and its variations given by the encountered underground structures (pipes, pipings, cables under voltage, voids, geology, bombs, etc..). The investigation depth is based on the antenna used. Images are processed in real-time using the application named Visualizer 3D, allowing an immediate interpretation of field and subsequent detailed analysis. Applications of geophysical magnetometric method : – Detection and localization of buried utilities ( cables under voltage, pipes, pipings), – Locating old foundations, – Detecting voids and caverns, – Contouring fillings, – Mines clearing and detection of unexploded bombs, – Highlighting differences of materials, – Locating archaeological sites.


Despre noi

23/11/2019 GEOSCAN 0

GEOSCAN este o companie privatā specializatā in investigatii geofizice (geofizicā aplicatā), geologice, geotehnice, topografie, tomografie, studii de mediu si servicii de consultanta. GEOSCAN opereazā proiecte national si international, oferind servicii flexibile cu aplicabilitate in constructii rezidentiale si comerciale, drumuri, poduri, cāi ferate, parcuri eoliene si fotovoltaice,  rafinārii, poluarea solului si subsolului. GEOSCAN aplicā metode geofizice neinvazive de analiza ale subsolului  bazate pe tehnici de magnetometrie, electrometrie, tomografie seismicā, tomografie electricā ERT, georadar (GPR), radiodetectie (RFL), adicā geofizicā aplicatā si metode invazive foraje, carote, dezveliri. Aparatura din dotarea companiei ne permite efectuarea a numeroase verificari de calitate ale solului si subsolului conform standardelor nationale si internationale. Serviciile de interpretare a datelor geofizice, geotehnice si geologice completeaza oferta GEOSCAN, reprezentånd astfel un pachet complet ce se adreseaza firmelor de proiectare, constructie, de utilitati (apa, canal, gaze, curent electric), rafināriilor, cat si firmelor de mediu. Māsurātorile de teren, procesarea si interpretarea datelor geofizice si geologice sunt realizate de o echipa de profesionisti cu peste 20 de ani de experientā nationalā si internationalā.

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04/01/2018 GEOSCAN 0

Ce spun clientii Geoscan Service SRL Efectuati click pe logo-ul fiecarei companii pentru a deschide testimonialul.                            

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Lista de clienti

04/01/2018 GEOSCAN 0

Studii de mediu in vederea conturarii poluatilor de mediu, studii geologice preliminare si de detaliu. Studii geotehnice de detaliu in vederea identificarii problemelor de fundare pentru statiile de carburanti rompetrol Piatra Neamt si Braila, Navodari, Magalia etc. Studii magnetometrice in vederea indentificarii utilitatilor ingropate pe traseul Canal Dunare Marea Neagra (diverse locatii in tara). Detectare si localizare conducte, cabluri si canalizare pentru diferite  depozite Petrom. Detectare si localizare utilitati ingropate rafinaria Petromidia Navodari. Detectare si localizare utilitati ingropate Popesti Leordeni.  Prospectare  geofizica in vedrea construirii soselei de centura a orasului Reghin, jud Mures.

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